International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,  is a Basic and Applied Science published since 2012  by Institute of Computer Science (IOCS). International Journal of Basic and Applied Science published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December), Each issue consists of a minimum of 5 articles, the scope of this journal is Basic and Applied Science.

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Journal title :  International Journal of Basic and Applied Science
Title abbreviation :  IJOBAS
Subjects :  Basic and Applied Science
Language :  English
ISSN :  ISSN 2301-8038 (Print) | ISSN 2776-3013 (Online)
Frequency :  4 issues per year (March, June, Sept, and Dece)
DOI :  10.35335/ijobas - by Crossref
Editor-in-chief Desi Vinsensia
Publisher :  Institute of Computer Scicence (IOCS)

Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Sep: Basic and Applied Science

Sep: Basic and Applied Science

Published: 2024-09-29

Dynamic optimization algorithms for enhancing blockchain network resilience against distributed attacks

Fristi Riandari, Afrisawati Afrisawati, Rizky Maulidya Afifa, Rian Syahputra, Ramadhanu Ginting


Data-driven corporate growth: A dynamic financial modelling framework for strategic agility

Hengki Tamando Sihotang, Desi Vinsensia, Fristi Riandari, Suherman Chandra


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