International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,  is a Basic and Applied Science published since 2012  by Institute of Computer Science (IOCS). International Journal of Basic and Applied Science published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December), Each issue consists of a minimum of 5 articles, the scope of this journal is Basic and Applied Science.

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Journal title :  International Journal of Basic and Applied Science
Title abbreviation :  IJOBAS
Subjects :  Basic and Applied Science
Language :  English
ISSN :  ISSN 2301-8038 (Print) | ISSN 2776-3013 (Online)
Frequency :  4 issues per year (March, June, Sept, and Dece)
DOI :  10.35335/ijobas - by Crossref
Editor-in-chief Desi Vinsensia
Publisher :  Institute of Computer Scicence (IOCS)

Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Sep: Basic and Applied Science

Sep: Basic and Applied Science

Published: 2024-09-29

Data-driven corporate growth: A dynamic financial modelling framework for strategic agility

Hengki Tamando Sihotang, Desi Vinsensia, Fristi Riandari, Suherman Chandra


Dynamic optimization algorithms for enhancing blockchain network resilience against distributed attacks

Fristi Riandari, Afrisawati Afrisawati, Rizky Maulidya Afifa, Rian Syahputra, Ramadhanu Ginting


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